Pre-MLS Listings

Can’t find the perfect home? Be the first to hear about homes before they hit the MLS!

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Market Stats

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Medium seller's market

This Week’s Market Snapshot of the top trending areas below

After Move With Marion has worked on the home
Before Move With Marion has worked on the home

See How We Are Transforming Homes

The Move With Marion Team offers complimentary design consultations for any kind of home. We want to make sure you get the best return on your investment, so we'll walk you through all the different ways you can stage your home for buyers. Staging is more general than home design because it has to appeal to a wide variety of people. Our team has ample experience staging all kinds of homes for buyers.
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Meet Marion and the Team

Move with Marion team
The Move With Marion Team is uniquely dedicated to you. Whether you're buying or selling a home in Fairfax Station, our team will provide you with our recipe for success; support, innovation, experience, and our distinct set of skills. We are here to ensure that you find every success you need in the real estate transaction. But don't just take our word for it; read past client testimonials to get a better feel of how we will serve you.

Success Stories

5 stars

We were so delighted! Her advice worked and our house sold.

We were so appreciative of Marion and her team! They came in, they advised, and they gave great direction on the things to take care of in order to get the most that we could for our house.

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